

Eating vegan makes me happy – This is what I want to share here with you!

If someone had told me a few years ago that I would go vegan, I wouldn’t have believed it. And here I am… Eating vegan and living vegan has become second nature to me.

How unbelievably delicious, diverse, simple vegan cuisine is and how good it is for your soul, the animals and the environment – all this is what we want to share with you here on veganwonda!

For me, living vegan means speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves: the animals and thus also the environment of our beautiful planet. The negative impact of excessive meat consumption has a lasting effect on the destruction of all our habitats. The good news is that by making the conscious decision to go vegan, we can all play our part in preventing this from happening.

And there is a very clear bonus: The vegan diet is so delicious and incredibly versatile that you might not even imagine it at first. Living vegan has nothing to do with renunciation, rather with opening up new perspectives. For me, it’s clear that I personally can’t imagine anything more delicious than eating vegan. And my demands on food are very high.

As a foodie, no matter where I am, I am always on the lookout for the next snack, the most hidden restaurant, the most local of main courses and the sweetest of desserts. The normal hunt for the next taste explosion. That’s why you won’t get any 0815 recipes here, but real flavour bombs that will delight you, your friends and your family.


I want to bring plant-based food onto your plates with my recipes and show how easy it is to cook vegan. Vegan cuisine has a lot to offer – let’s explore together what is possible!


My vision is for people to develop more compassion for each other, the animals and the surrounding environment. A vegan diet can help strengthen our compassion and live more consciously with ourselves and our environment.